Company’s activity in the field of citrus began in 1933, and since then, we’ve been synonymous with quality, sustainability, and zestful flavors. Is the owner of the biggest plantation in Cyprus consisting of a total area of about 4500 dunams of land and additionally manages 1500 dunams of land.

Our ultimate goal is the satisfaction of the consumers
Consumers demand high quality products and they are increasingly demanding concerning the taste, appearance and shape, as well as the consistency, purity and freshness of citrus fruit. Food safety has become a very significant issue, particularly after the product scares in Europe.

Lane Late Oranges
These are very juicy and sweet eating oranges with the right degree of acidity. They have plenty of juice, a very thin skin and no seeds or limonin.

Valencia Oranges
The most popular member of the citrus family, oranges have rich juicy pulp that varies from very sweet to slightly sour.

Powell Navel Oranges
The fruit ranges from blunt pointed to an ovate shape, is orange coloured and with no aureole. It always has a visible navel, is seedless and is a fruit of great quality.

Navelina Oranges
The Navelina is a big, rounded and slightly oval Navel-type orange. It has an intense orange skin and a small navel.

Chislett Oranges
The fruit size is similar to that of Lane Late navel under similar crop load conditions.The fruit has an average of 11 segments per fruit.

The name Mandora a synthesis of Mand(-arine) and ora(-nge) which has been given after considerable thought to this hybrid of a superb quality fruit developed by cross pollination of the two varieties.

A sweet flavorsome variety with a fine flesh texture. Medium to large size, slightly flattened with a distinct red-orange skin colour.

Clemenules is considered one of the best clementines for sweetness and flavour.

The mandarin Orogrande is undoubtedly one of the softest and most delicious clementines.

Star Ruby Grapefruit
Has one of the best internal coloured fruit of the five red fleshed varieties.

White Grapefruit
Plump, sweet and delicious. Classic White Grapefruit is the favorite of many grapefruit lovers.

Juicy, acidic, yet flavourful, lemon is one of the most widely used citrus fruits worldwide.