

A sweet flavorsome variety with a fine flesh texture. Medium to large size, slightly flattened with a distinct red-orange skin colour. Seed number will vary depending on cross-pollination and will vary from one seed to as many as thirty seeds per fruit. When the fruit is fully matured the rind is about 1/8 inch thick, slightly pebbly, leathery, easily removed and has an orange color.

Selection & Storage:

Choose a Nova that is heavy for its size, with firm skin that is free of spots and bruises. Store Nova in a cool place or in the fruit drawer of your refrigerator. To avoid condensation, which accelerates the deterioration of tangelos when stored in a plastic bag or in a sealed container, punch small holes in the bag or leave the container half-opened.

Usage Tips:

If Nova is stored in the refrigerator, take it out and leave it at room temperature to increase its flavour before eating. Nova adds both taste and colour to poultry or fish dishes. To make a simple and sophisticated dessert, place nova segment on vanilla or coffee, ice cream and add a splash of Grand Marnier.

Seasonal Availability

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
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